
10 important facts about daily walking – Easy way to get back in shape

“Traditional agricultural societies lived in an awful shade of starvation. In the affluent world of today, one of the leading problems is obesity which strikes the poor (who stuff themselves with burgers and pizzas) even more than the rich (who eat organic salads and fruit smoothies)” – The Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari


For overweight people, losing weight and getting back in shape means a huge improvement in life quality. No one wants to be overweight, but it can slowly happen as a result of poor nutrition and a lack of exercise. Excessive weight causes poor health, low life energy, lack of self-confidence, and pessimism. These are all very good reasons to get in shape.

When you are in good shape, you feel great, and your life energy is high. That results in a better mood and new ideas, which positively reflect on your life. A healthy body weight is just a result of a proper lifestyle. People who lose weight too quickly but have not adopted a new lifestyle regress very soon. Forget about constant weighing and focus on moderate exercising, together with proper nutrition. The excessive weight will disappear as a result of that.

If you’re not happy with what you see in the mirror, and you are  willing to improve, one-hour daily walking will really help. You can achieve great results within two months. With a bit of discipline with your diet and exercising, you will see great results very soon.

10 important facts about daily walking:

If the very words “workout” or “exercise” makes you feel nauseous, walking at a slightly increased pace is perfect for you. If you adopt it as part of your daily schedule, it will keep your body in great shape and activate your mind.

  1. Walking will help you maintain a healthy weight and lose a body fat

  2. It is pleasant and relaxing, especially if you’re in good company. Only a small percentage of people like intense workouts, but anyone can walk.

  3. If you take a walk in the morning, you will notice a positive effect on your mood, energy, and metabolism throughout the day.

  4. Walking with family and friends is both exercise and quality time. Instead of just sitting and talking, take a walk together.

  5. You can walk at any age. You will feel how much is enough for you, and the risk of injury is minimal.

  1. You can walk anytime and anywhere, without special preparation. You need only comfortable sneakers, but nothing will happen to you if you walk a few miles in the shoes you are currently wearing, unless they are high heels!

  2. Walking is the most effective method for demagnetizing a negative mood, and it always works.

  3. Your immune system will become stronger

  4. Walking goes hand in hand with planning and creative thinking. A lot of good ideas arise as you walk.

  5. Walking is very important for older people and everyone else. It helps supply the brain with oxygen, which is very important for memory, concentration, and brain health in general.

All of this is an indication that regular walking can significantly improve your quality of life. One of my favorite rituals is a one-hour morning walk along the coast with my wife; quite enough for a good day and good health.


To get the best results in sixty days, follow these guidelines:

Walk one hour daily at a slightly faster pace, 3.1-3.7 mph (5-6 km/h). If you are a complete beginner, walk a little less for the first ten days or so. When it comes to diet, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner in healthy amounts, and drink mostly water or tea (green tea or any other). Remember, a workout cannot beat a fork. You can eat a lot more calories in a few minutes than you can lose with an average workout.

Minimize bread, eliminate snacks between meals, fizzy drinks, juices, fast and fried foods, and sugar as much as possible. These things are the main reason for gaining weight. Eat vegetables and fruits in reasonable amounts. Be careful with fruit, as fruit also contains a lot of sugar. Enjoy food, but don’t always look for opportunities to eat something.

Give yourself a break occasionally to make it easier for you (preferably once a week). When you get a craving for sweets, eat some fruit. For your information, one slice of medium-sized cake or two cans of soda equal half an hour of running or one hour of walking.

Constantly nibbling on something and sipping juices and coffee becomes addictive. Stop when something “unplanned” comes to hand. Snacks, sandwiches, cakes, juices, ice creams, coffee makers, and similar things are everywhere. Eliminate those things completely. You will not lose anything except unnecessary weight.

Stick to this, and you will see great results within two months. Over time, add some other exercises if you wish, but consult your doctor and coach first, especially if you have health issues. Be well informed about any new exercises you take up, and always warm-up and stretch. Injuries often occur in the beginning, when the heart wants to do more than the body can handle.

The benefits of the morning walking

Find the strength to wake up a bit earlier and start walking in the morning. You will quickly see multiple benefits of an early-morning walk. You will boost your body and positively polarize your mind, which is a great way to begin the day. Exercising is the best stress prevention.

While others are still waking up, your energy will already be at 100%, and you will be ready to face new daily challenges. Your mood will be great. When you take care of your health as soon as you start the day, it will be difficult for someone to push you into a bad mood. It will take you about two weeks to get used to getting up earlier, but it won’t be a problem after that. Your new schedule will mean you will go to bed early and sleep like a baby.

The morning walk will very quickly become a great habit. You choose how to feel and what you will focus on as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.

Most important: Do everything that helps you maintain high motivation. I cannot stress this enough. Create a list of things that work for you. Print checklists and make a plan, join the challenges that will be announced in the Long-Term Habits group, use applications, and devices that monitor your daily activities. Watch, read, and listen to everything that helps you move. Set your alarm clock early and move it away from you so you can’t switch it off. Turn on good music and get going.


  • Free downloads: PDF and the audiobook Fulfilling Life: A matter of Personal Choice with all the accompanying checklists you need to get started
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