If You Think You Can do Better, Prove it! How to Live Your Best Life

“Those who are good at looking for excuses are rarely good at anything else.” – Benjamin Franklin

Where to start?


If you want to move forward in life, the first mandatory step is to stop listening to those “too smart” people who have a high opinion of themselves but who have never achieved anything on their own. They always have a good reason to give up, and they will be happy to help you give up on your plans too. People looking for excuses don’t like to see others progress.

Pessimists always blame others for their problems – for their financial problems (government and politicians), for their poor health (bad family genetics), for their bad mood (shop cashier who did not include a discount). Don’t listen to them if you want to move forward in life. Listen only to people who have achieved what you want to achieve in life, or read biographies of people who have reached the goals you want to reach.

(Take a look at the recommended books “Great Books for a Fulfilled Life.” I’m sure you’ll find at least a few books to your liking.)

Avoid excuses


Sleeping too long, wasting your time on the wrong things, improvising instead of making a good plan and sticking to it will all get you nowhere. By now you must have had a lot of plans, and soon after that a lot of reasons you found to give up. “I don’t have time, it’s too far away, it’s expensive, I can’t wake up…” We’ve all said these things many times. Excuses are the right recipe to spend your life the wrong way. 

Whether you lack self-confidence or are angry at the whole world because you think you deserve better, nothing will change until you set your own goals and start working on them. Even when you take the first step, be aware that it will take you several years to achieve what you set out to do. And that’s why it’s easier to find an excuse and give up than to work on your own goals.

If you don’t know where to start, take a look at How to put your plans into action? – Step-by- step guide and free resources

Positive attitude and focus on priorities


Forget the bad news and start working on things you can change for the better. There are many different options: health, finances, education, etc. You just need a plan, and willpower to get started. That way you will have a lot more good days in life. Don’t let good days be ruined by something you could have prevented (e.g., impaired health, lack of money, or obligations you’ve postponed) and you have to deal with them when it’s most inconvenient for you.

If you are overwhelmed by pessimism, it is time to take off your dark glasses and get moving. You will hardly get something for nothing in life. Quality of life depends mostly on how much you work on it. Don’t let the day come when you will regret missed opportunities. Step on the gas and start working on your goals. There is no other way to live the life you want.

When you begin, few will understand you. The bigger the goals, the bigger the number of naysayers. I also count parents in this group. Although they wish you the best, they can trip your foot on the way to your goals. Don’t listen to anyone. Do what you have to do; only then will you be satisfied with your life.


The most dissatisfied people are those who think that they are better than others, and for that reason, they think they deserve more in life. There are far fewer who are willing to work hard on their goals. If you think you can do better, prove it. Start working on your own priorities. No one owes you anything, and life can be hard, especially if you let yourself go. The sooner you become aware of it, the better. 


A few blog posts to help you get started:


  • Free downloads: PDF and the audiobook Fulfilling Life: A matter of Personal Choice with all the accompanying checklists you need to get started
  • Great Books for a Great Life – all the answers to your questions in one place

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